Friday, September 28, 2018

Microsoft Exchange Mozilla Thunderbird Integration

Update 08-28-2022: TbSync does not work with Thunderbird 102.2.0.  I am now using OWA

Update 09-21-2019: ExchangeCalendar does not work with Thunderbird 68.1.0. I am now using IMAP + TbSync successfully

Update 08-18-2019: Since ExQuilla has slowed down the opening of Thunderbird (2 to 3 minutes to open Thunderbird, with constant "freezing" during the day) I am now using the Exchange accounts via IMAP + TbSync + ExchangeCalendar

Update 12-30-2018: I now use ExchangeCalendar ( instead of TbSync. ExchangeCalendar integrates seamlessly with Thunderbird to display meetings and times slotted in Exchange

Most of the users I encounter work in a Microsoft Windows environment or use a Microsoft Windows based machine (desktop or laptop). Some others use a macOS based machine (iMac, MacBook Air or MacBook Pro). The rest of us, though, prefer to work in a Linux based machine, some with access to cli and others with a GUI

In a Microsoft Windows business environment, the business "de facto" E-Mail client is Microsoft Outlook, since it communicates with Exchange servers to synchronize E-Mails, calendars, tasks and contacts. Microsoft Outlook can also be installed in macOS based devices, with similar capabilities. In Linux, some of us use Mozilla Thunderbird

One big issue that most Mozilla Thunderbird users encounter is the inability to tie directly to Exchange. The workaround is either using the web portal for Microsoft (, but in some cases (nowadays less and less) the Exchange server is on premises. Meet ExQuilla for Microsoft Exchange by R Kent James and TbSync by John Bieling. Both, ExQuilla and TbSync, are add-ons for Mozilla Thunderbird

ExQuilla can be downloaded from as an xpi file and installed in Mozilla Thunderbird by clicking on "Tools", "Add-ons", the gear on the top section, towards the left, "Install Add-on From File...". Once it is installed, either use the "Autodiscover" feature or the "Manual" one. In my case, I had to use the "Manual" one, enter the "Microsoft Exchange EWS URL" ( and "Test EWS URL". The proper EWS URL can be found following step 2. in

TbSync can be downloaded from as an xpi file as well using the same procedure for installing ExQuilla. Once installed, double click the icon on the lower right corner of Mozilla Thunderbird labeled "TbSync: Idle", click on "Account actions", "+ Add new account", "Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)", enter proper information and either use the "Automatic configuration via ActiveSync Autodiscover" or "Custom configuration". In my case, I had to use the "Custom configuration", with "Server address" and "ActiveSync version" v2.5. Click on "Enable account & try to connect to server"

The E-Mails will show as a new account with an "X" preceding it on the left pane in Mozilla Thunderbird. The contacts will show in the "Address Book". The address book with "/GAL" will allow for contact queries/searches, as if you were using Microsoft Outlook. The same procedure can be used in Mozilla Thunderbird in Microsoft Windows and macOS based machines


F. Bobbio C.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Automated Data Transfer - Linux To Windows + Vice Versa

Recently one of the developers where I work had an interesting task to accomplish: Transfer data from a Windows server to a Linux server and vice versa automatically every 5 minutes for a production environment. The data originated at the Windows server, was processed in the Linux server, copied to a different path and the result needed to be copied back to the Windows server, to a different folder. The accounting users were saving the original data to a Windows shared folder. The process needed to originate at the Windows server, since my team mates were not proficient in Linux, in case the files needed to be modified later on

Thanks to WinSCP, the solution was simple:

1) Create a batch file (WinSCP2Linux.bat) with permissions for service account to read and execute. The content should be something similar to this: /ini=nul /synchronize /script=C:\Users\LocalAdmin\ScriptCopyToOracle.txt

2) Create a text file (C:\Users\LocalAdmin\ScriptCopyToOracle.txt), with permissions for service account to read and execute. The content should be something similar to this:

open sftp://LinuxServerUsername:LinuxServerUserPassword@LinuxServerName/ -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc..."
put C:\Path\To\Windows\Original\Files\* /path/to/Linux/server/firstfolder/
get /path/to/Linux/server/secondfolder/* C:\Path\To\Windows\Processed\Files\

Note: LinuxServerUsername requires read and write permissions to both Linux folders for this procedure to work. Both Windows folders have read and write permissions

3) Create a task via "Task Scheduler" which runs the batch file every 5 minutes and runs under the service account specified in step 1)

The task will only synchronize files that are not in the folders every 5 minutes. I would recommend testing if the task works by opening an elevated command prompt ("Start", cmd, right click, "Run as administrator"), pasting /ini=nul /synchronize /script=C:\Users\LocalAdmin\ScriptCopyToOracle.txt into it and hitting the "Enter" key. If there are no errors, you should see the processed files in the firstfolder in Linux and in the processed files folder in Windows

The Linux server was running Red Hat Linux and the Windows server was on Windows Server 2012


F. Bobbio C.

Corrupted Profile - In A Mac

Any IT professional that deals with users needs to know a bit of other Operating Systems. The three main ones currently are Windows, macOS and Linux.

I recently had a case where a customer using a Mac could not open any application. When the application icon was clicked, there were errors pointing to the Library folder and cache. All applications had the same issue. I thought about it for some minutes and logged out and back in, but under a different profile. The other profile did not display those issues, thus the issue being with the original profile

I created a new profile with Administrator privileges (that was the access level for the original profile) and copied all documents over, thinking that all permissions would transfer, but, how wrong was I! The permissions for the iPhoto and Photo libraries did not transfer. They were under OriginalUser:OriginalGroup and the new user was NewUser:staff and when the customer tried to open iPhoto or Photos, there was an error about permissions

I had to use a bit of "command line" (or console/terminal) "magic" and change the permissions for the whole folder/application. I logged out and back in with another Administrator account, since the new user account did not allow me for the change. The other account did not have any password, which did not allow for sudo access. I changed the password and ran the commands, each in a different terminal session. Click on the upper right corner on "Spotlight" and type terminal. Open the application. Right click on the application icon on the lower bar and "New window" for the second terminal session

First terminal session:
sudo chown -R NewUser:staff /Users/NewUser/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary

Second terminal session:
sudo chown -R NewUser:staff /Users/NewUser/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/

Let both commands run until they finish. In this case, the customer had well over 250 GB of pictures in each application. The process took all night long. Once the terminal session showed the MacDeviceName:~ AdminUser$ prompt in each terminal session, the customer closed everything (Command + Q in each window) and logged out and back in. The customer reported all the pictures were accessible and viewable. No more permissions errors

I hope this helps someone


F. Bobbio C.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Barco ClickShare In Slackware64-current

Update 06-23-2018: According to users can use MirrorOp or the Google Cast extension to share screen

ClickShare is a neat way of presenting the content of your machine (and 3 others) without having to plug and unplug an HDMI cable. ClickShare, by Barco (, requires a USB port to work. Simply plug in the USB adapter and run the .exe (MS Windows) or .dmg (macOS) file.
Unfortunately, back in December 2017, Barco stopped support for Linux clients (
Since a Slacker does not give up easily, I setup to install and run ClickShare on Slackware-current. Here are the steps I needed to follow to accomplish this task.

1) Download and install ffmpeg 2.1.5 ( may also do it) (ffmpeg 3.X does not work with ClickShare). This version of ffmpeg will allow the use of
Note: Even ffmpeg 2.8.6 will use which will not work with ClickShare

2) Download the SlackBuild script for libresample from PhantomX ( This will repackage libresample in 64-bit for your system. There are some libresample packages for Slackware, but for x86, not x86_64
Repackage libresample and install it

3) Download clickshare_01.07.01-79_amd64.deb (
This package was a bit harder to find, since Barco does not offer it anymore on its website

4) Decompress the contents and cp -a the content into the appropriate folders

5) Start ClickShare by typing clickshare in a terminal session or from your launcher


F. Bobbio C.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Citrix Receiver In Mozilla Firefox (64-bit) In Slackware64-current

Update 03-02-2020: In case you run into SSL error 61, download "GoDaddy Secure Server Certificate (Intermediate Certificate) - G2" in "crt (DER)" format from the GoDaddy Repository ( and follow steps in Error: "SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust 'Certificate Authority'..." on Receiver for Linux ( In my case ICAROOT is located under /opt/Citrix/ICAClient
1) cd to the location of the downloaded crt certificate
2) cp gdig2.crt /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/
3) cd /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util/
4) su and enter root password
5) ./ctx_rehash
6) Try the icon on the Citrix page again

Update 01-02-2019: Citrix Receiver has not updated for a while and has been replaced by Citrix Workspace: but I still received error messages regarding " - Application No such file or directory. Verify your connection settings and try again." even after installing certificates and creating symbolic links for libidn. The internal storefront works without any issues, while the external one has some issues if using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome in Slackware64-current. This issue does not happen in Microsoft Windows 10.
After a bit of research and reading, I found this forum where they listed this URL for Chrome: as an "app" for Google Chrome. The "app" is working great so far. No need to install Citrix Receiver anymore, just point the "app" to the proper URL for your storefront and enjoy

Update 12-23-2018: In cases where there is a black square around the mouse pointer, follow the instructions in this page:

Citrix Receiver is a virtualization client which allows to run applications and programs running on a Citrix server from within a browser connection

In the Microsoft Windows world, you can simply download and install an application that would start when you login to your computer and even allows to use single sign on (, but my laptop is Linux based and I prefer to use Citrix Receiver natively in Linux

In the past, you needed to run a multilib system to run Citrix Receiver ( or, but luckily for all of us, now the 64-bit version of Citrix Receiver can be run on Firefox without an issue

1) Download Citrix Receiver from by choosing "Tarball Packages" and "Receiver for Linux (x86_64). Accept the license agreement and save the tar.gz file

2) Navigate to the location where you saved the the tar.gz file and extract it (tar vxf linuxx64- in this case)

3) Run setupwfc as root and choose "1. Install Citrix Receiver for Linux 13.9.1"

4) Follow the prompts, making sure to select "n" for "Do you want to install USB support? [default n]:"

5) Follow steps "5. Add more SSL certificates" and "7. (64-bit only) Fix Firefox plugin installation" from

Note: If steps 5 and 7 from are not followed, error message "Cannot connect to " - Application No such file or directory. Verify your connection settings and try again." may display on the screen when trying to launch an application

6) Alternatively follow step "6. Configure Citrix Receiver" from if you want to map drives to allow access to files in the remote Citrix session

7) Create symbolic links, if needed, for libidn:
ln -s
ln -s


F. Bobbio C.

VPN Connections In Slackware64-current Plasma 5 - KDE 5

I use three different VPN connections in my laptop: OpenConnect, OpenVPN and PPTP. I like these connections to be managed by NetworkManager and not by third parties

The first one (OpenConnect) is compatible with Cisco AnyConnect:

The second one (OpenVPN) is compatible with pfSense:

The third one is used to connect to a Point-to-Point Windows server:

After some updates in Slackware-current and KDE5, the connections stopped working. These are the steps I followed to have the connections up and running

I repackaged openconnect from and used the same NetworkManager-openconnect package for 14.2 from
I also found a Plasma 5 NetworkManager package at (from rworkman) by searching on Google for plasma5-nm-openconnect and followed the .info file in there to download the latest version of the package from which matched with the Plasma packages (5.12.4). This last step did the trick for OpenConnect
The alternative would be to download and run the Cisco AnyConnect native client for Linux

I repackaged openvpn from and used the NetworkManager-openvpn SlackBuilds script from which worked fine, but I changed the tar.xz file to be the latest (1.8.2) and used the package from
The plasma5-nm-5.12.4 package from alienBOB worked perfectly for this connection
I imported the ovpn file that I have saved and used before

I repackaged pptp from the latest version (1.10.0) from and used the NetworkManager-pptp SlackBuilds script from which worked fine, but I changed the tar.xz file to be the latest (1.2.6) and used the package from
The main part is to click on "Advanced..." and select only "MSCHAP" and "MSCHAPv2" under "Allow following authentication methods:" and "Use MPPE Encryption" with "Crypto: Any"


F. Bobbio C.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Remmina RDP Issue

Remmina allows to connect to computers via different protocols (NX, RDP, SFTP, SSH, VNC and even XDMCP). Microsoft Windows allows remote control of a computer via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Some Windows Updates in March, 2018 may break connectivity via Remmina, which uses FreeRDP to connect to Microsoft Windows machines. This is not an issue with FreeRDP, but with some implementation or modification on Microsoft's side, which tries to only allow machines within the domain to use RDP to communicate with each other.

There is a simple fix for this. Follow these steps:

Microsoft Windows:
1) Connect to the Microsoft Windows machine via RDP from another Microsoft Windows machine using "Remote Desktop Connection" by typing mstsc in the "Start" menu and typing either the computer name or its IP address. Use proper credentials
2) Right click on "Computer", "My PC" or "This PC" and click on "Properties"
3) Click on "Change settings"
4) Click on the "Remote" tab
5) Uncheck the "Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)"
6) Open "Services" by typing services.msc in the "Start" menu
7) Restart "Remote Desktop Services" by right clicking on it and clicking on "Restart"
Note: This last step will disconnect the RDP session
8) Attempt connection to machine again after 15 to 30 seconds

1) Right click on the machine name from step 1) in the Microsoft Windows section
2) Click on "Edit"
3) Click on the "Advanced" tab
4) Change "Security" to "RDP"
Note: Option "NLA" for "Network Level Authentication" may not work, neither does option "Negotiate" (default)
5) Click on "Save"
6) Double click on machine name to attempt connection, which should be successful


F. Bobbio C.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

KUser In Slackware64-current Plasma 5 - KDE 5

One part of systems administration is adding, removing and modifying groups and users. These tasks can be accomplished via a terminal session using the following commands:

Adding a group: groupadd groupname
Adding a user: useradd username
Adding a user to a group: usermod -aG groupname username

More information on how to add, remove and modify groups and users can be found here:

In Slackware, I used KUser until KDE 4. KUser allowed me to manage groups and users graphically. KDE 5 does not have KUser installed. I downloaded KUser from Slackware-current, copied three libraries needed by KUser to run (, and and created symbolic links. All libraries have to be in /usr/lib64

The dynamic links I created were: as a symbolic link to as a symbolic link to as a symbolic link to as a symbolic link to as a symbolic link to as a symbolic link to


F. Bobbio C.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Plasma 5 - KDE5 In Slackware64-current

Technology changes constantly, and as such, we need to adapt. One of those changes, in my field of work, is the Graphical User Interface (GUI). In Linux, my OS of choice, I use KDE. Slackware-current comes with KDE 4.14.3 installed. KDE 5 has been around for a while, though, so I decided to "bite the bullet" and installed on my Slackware-current system, using the instructions on

I took a different approach, since I still consider myself a "novice" in the Linux world, even though I have been using it for quite a while, due to the fact that I am constantly learning something new. The steps I took were:

00) Take a screenshot of your whole screen, especially if you are using specific icons on the "Panel", since you will need to dock those icons after this whole procedure
01) rsync -Hav --exclude=x86 rsync:// 5/
02) telinit 3 would not work for me, since /etc/inittab was set to id:4:initdefault:
03) Modified /etc/inittab to id:3:initdefault:
04) Rebooted
05) slackpkg remove kde
06) cd to the location of the folder where you "rsynced" 5 in step 01)
07) upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/*.t?z
08) upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/telepathy/*.t?z
09) upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/kde/*/*.t?z
10) find /etc/ -name "*.new"
11) slackpkg new-config
12) Reboot
13) xwmconfig 'xinitrc.plasma' as your desktop session
14) Modify /etc/inittab to id:4:initdefault:
15) startx
16) Dock any icons you may need (see step 00)
17) Change settings for keyboard layout, etc.
18) Enabled multiple monitors (


F. Bobbio C.

Multiple Monitors In Slackware64-current

Update 12-26-2019: I am using a USB 3.0 Dell D3100 docking station with 3 monitors. These are the new files I use with the Intel driver and with the NVIDIA driver:

xrandr --listproviders --setprovideroutputsource 1 0 --setprovideroutputsource 2 0 --setprovideroutputsource 3 0
xrandr --output DVI-I-3-3 --auto --output DVI-I-2-2 --auto --output DVI-I-1-1 --auto
xrandr --output DVI-I-3-3 --pos 0x0 --output DVI-I-2-2 --pos 1920x0 --primary --output DVI-I-1-1 --pos 3840x0 --output eDP-1 --pos 5760x0

xrandr --listproviders --setprovideroutputsource 1 0 --setprovideroutputsource 2 0 --setprovideroutputsource 3 0
xrandr --output DVI-I-4-3 --auto --output DVI-I-3-2 --auto --output DVI-I-2-1 --auto
xrandr --output DVI-I-4-3 --pos 0x0 --output DVI-I-3-2 --pos 1920x0 --primary --output DVI-I-2-1 --pos 3840x0 --output eDP-1-1 --pos 5760x0

I use a Toshiba Satellite S55 laptop for personal and sometimes work related tasks. The laptop has an HDMI port which works fine when I plug in an external monitor/LCD TV. At work I sometimes need the extra space and do not have a big TV that I can plug into it at all. I purchased a USB 3.0 Lenovo ThinkPad docking station, which features two DVI ports, which I use with a DVI to VGA converter and a DVI to HDMI converter to two HP w2338h LCDs. Since this docking station is based on the DisplayLink chipset, I downloaded and installed the DisplayLink drivers using alienBOB's excellent wiki for it:
I will not repeat what he already mentions on the wiki, since the instructions are self explanatory and spot-on

I also created a shell script that I use to setup the monitors properly that I run when I am at work, since I do not use the same docking station at home. The proper --output will be displayed when running xrandr with the docking station plugged in. The script is as follows:

xrandr --listproviders
xrandr --setprovideroutputsource 1 0
xrandr --setprovideroutputsource 2 0
xrandr --output DVI-I-1-1 --auto *** Change DVI-I-1-1 to proper output
xrandr --output DVI-I-2-2 --auto *** Change DVI-I-2-2 to proper output
xrandr --output DVI-I-1-1 --pos 1920x0 *** Change DVI-I-1-1 to proper output. This is the center monitor (1920x1080)
xrandr --output DVI-I-2-2 --pos 0x0 *** Change DVI-I-2-2 to proper output. This is the monitor on the left (1920x1080)
xrandr --output eDP1 --pos 3840x312 *** Change eDP1 to proper output. This is the built-in laptop monitor, on the right (1366x768)

Save it to a proper location (, make it executable (chmod +x and run it whenever you plug in the USB 3.0 docking station (sh

I have tested this setup on Slackware 14.0, 14,1, 14.2 and Slackware-current, even with KDE5, without any issues


F. Bobbio C.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

TightVNC En Slackware64-current

Para algunos usuarios es difícil la transición de Microsoft Windows a Linux debido a la interface gráfica ("Graphical User Interface", o "GUI"). El protocolo VNC permite acceder a máquinas de Linux en interface gráfica, en casos donde los paquetes de la interface gráfica hayan sido instalados. Uno de los paquetes para VNC es TightVNC, el cual usé para este propósito:

1) Descargué y desempaqueté tightvnc desde SlackBuilds:

2) Creé el archivo /etc/rc.d/rc.vncserver de acuerdo a cambiando las líneas 7, 8, 9 y 10
VNCSERVERS="1:NombreUsuario1 2:NombreUsuario2 3:NombreUsuario3" ### Usar los nombres de usuarios ya creados y que necesiten entrar via VNC ###
VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1366x768"
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1920x1080"
VNCSERVERARGS[3]="-geometry 1920x1080"

3) Cambié los permisos de ejecución (chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.vncserver) e ingresé dos entradas en /etc/rc.d/rc.local para iniciarlo:
cd /etc/rc.d
./rc.vncserver start

4) Ingresé como cada usuario y se creó el archivo xstartup en el directorio oculto vnc en el "hogar" de cada usuario, el cual tuve que modificar:
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
startkde & ### Esta fue la línea que cambié ###

5) Modifiqué el archivo /usr/bin/vncserver, línea 37
De $fontPath = 'unix/:7100'; a $fontPath = "/usr/share/fonts/misc/";

6) Ejecuté rc.vncserver start

¡Listo! Ahora los usuarios pueden conectarse usando VNC


F. Bobbio C.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

TeamViewer 13 En Slackware64-current

Actualización 06-23-2018: Ya existe un SlackBuild para instalar TeamViewer en Slackware64-current

TeamViewer es un programa de control remoto que se puede instalar en Windows, macOS y hasta en Linux. Hasta hace poco, la instalación en Slackware requería usar wine (, que no es un emulador, pero permite ejecutar ciertas aplicaciones de Windows en Linux. El usar wine es un proceso a veces tedioso, puesto que no todas las aplicaciones pueden ejecutarse en la misma versión de wine

Hace unos días vi que existía TeamViewer 13, pero que no había instalador para Slackware. Según la página de descarga de TeamViewer 13 (, los requerimientos básicos son al menos Qt 5.2, Kernel 2.6.27 y GLIBC 2.17
La versión de Slackware-current del 03 de enero del 2018 tiene kernel 4.9.67 y glibc 2.26, pero solamente qt4, por lo cual primero intenté instalar qt5 desde usando el archivo .run dentro de 5.10, pero luego de instalarlo en /opt, TeamViewer aún no cargaba. Se me ocurrió entonces descargar e instalar los paquetes de qt5 y qt5-webkit desde la página de Eric Hameleers (también conocido como alienBOB), el cual tiene los instaladores reempaquetados:

Luego de instalar ambos paquetes, instalé teamviewer usando el paquete x86 64bits (tar.xz) de y aún así no cargaba TeamViewer. El paso final fue agregar dos líneas a /etc/rc.d/rc.local que es el archivo que ejecuta scripts que uno desea cargar al iniciar Slackware. Las dos líneas fueron:
cd /etc/init.d
./teamviewerd start

Luego de reiniciar mi portátil, TeamViewer pudo iniciar sin problema alguno. Espero les sirva


F. Bobbio C.