Friday, February 2, 2018

Plasma 5 - KDE5 In Slackware64-current

Technology changes constantly, and as such, we need to adapt. One of those changes, in my field of work, is the Graphical User Interface (GUI). In Linux, my OS of choice, I use KDE. Slackware-current comes with KDE 4.14.3 installed. KDE 5 has been around for a while, though, so I decided to "bite the bullet" and installed on my Slackware-current system, using the instructions on

I took a different approach, since I still consider myself a "novice" in the Linux world, even though I have been using it for quite a while, due to the fact that I am constantly learning something new. The steps I took were:

00) Take a screenshot of your whole screen, especially if you are using specific icons on the "Panel", since you will need to dock those icons after this whole procedure
01) rsync -Hav --exclude=x86 rsync:// 5/
02) telinit 3 would not work for me, since /etc/inittab was set to id:4:initdefault:
03) Modified /etc/inittab to id:3:initdefault:
04) Rebooted
05) slackpkg remove kde
06) cd to the location of the folder where you "rsynced" 5 in step 01)
07) upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/*.t?z
08) upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/telepathy/*.t?z
09) upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/kde/*/*.t?z
10) find /etc/ -name "*.new"
11) slackpkg new-config
12) Reboot
13) xwmconfig 'xinitrc.plasma' as your desktop session
14) Modify /etc/inittab to id:4:initdefault:
15) startx
16) Dock any icons you may need (see step 00)
17) Change settings for keyboard layout, etc.
18) Enabled multiple monitors (


F. Bobbio C.

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